Tuition Info

Little Learners Academy – Ages 3 and 4

Little Learners Academy is funded through a combination of parent fees, state day care subsidies, government grants and support from generous individuals. Tuition from parents varies. For more information, please contact Ms. Theresa Moore at 773-265-0550 ext. 507, or [email protected]

Holy Family School – Grades K through 8th

EVERY student receives a scholarship to attend Holy Family School thanks to generous donors. The amount paid by families of our students varies, and is based on family size and financial resources.

For questions, please contact Sandra Nelson at 773-265-0550 ext 505 or [email protected]

Scholarship Program HFS

Adventures in Learning – after school and summer

The after-school program operates from 3:00 – 6:00 daily during the school year and is open to Holy Family School students. The program is funded through a combination of parent fees, state day care subsidies, government grants and support from generous individuals. Fees from parents vary based on circumstances.

Our summer program is open to the entire community. This full-day program is offered in two 4-week sessions. Campers may attend one or both sessions. State daycare subsidies are accepted, and fees from parents vary based on circumstances.

For more information, please contact Mrs. Adrienne Hunter at 773-265-0550 ext. 509, or [email protected]