Welcome Alumni

Holy Family Ministries strives to create a connected alumni association – a vibrant community of Holy Family School graduates who support the school and each other.


We need your help to achieve that! Please let us know where you went to high school, if you continued to college, and what you are doing now. Contact our Assistant Alumni Coordinator, Briana Collins at [email protected].


Use this section to learn about events at Holy Family and opportunities to connect with other alum. Please share this site with your friends and family from Holy Family so we can keep in touch. Please visit our Facebook group to connect with us and other alum.



Become a Class Ambassador for Holy Family Alumni

At Holy Family, we take immense pride in our alumni, who represent the values, traditions, and excellence that define our school. As we continue to strengthen and expand our alumni network, your involvement as a Class Ambassador can make a significant difference.

Class Ambassadors play a pivotal role in fostering a vibrant and connected alumni community. Your primary responsibilities would include:

  1. Encouraging fellow alumni from your graduating class to participate in alumni events, reunions, and gatherings hosted by Holy Family.
  2. Serving as a liaison between your class and Alumni Coordinator Mr. Jamie Lambert, and the Assistant Alumni Coordinator, Ms. Briana Collins, providing valuable feedback, suggestions, and ideas to enhance alumni engagement initiatives.
  3. Sharing updates, news, and achievements from your class with the wider alumni network.

We are looking for one or two representatives from each graduating class of Holy Family. There will be a one-hour mandatory meeting for all Class Ambassadors in August. We would also expect Class Ambassadors under 21 to attend our monthly events and our Class Ambassadors over 21 to attend our quarterly events.

To accept this invitation or learn more about the responsibilities of a Class Ambassador, sign up here or contact Mr. Lambert at [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you aboard and working together.

Warm regards,

Mr. Jamie Lambert

Holy Family Alumni Coordinator